Betrayed OR Liar Lair Pants On Fire


So Thursday B walked in the door ashen and with tears in his eyes. After 14 years of being the president of his company he was sacked. I said and did all the right things, loved on him and told him everything would be okay. I was the perfect wife.

After several hours of being at home he decided to download all the family pictures from his phone onto my computer since he was afraid his company would turn off his phone. Since then my computer has been running slow because he added over 2,000 pictures to it so today I decided to delete some after moving them to The Cloud. As I was going through them…SURPRISE!!!! …..I found a naked picture of a woman. Long story short, it was our tour guide from Viet Nam. The woman I had been sending money to occasionally to help her family….guess she decided to go after a bigger fish…B!

B confessed that he has been communicating with her for 1 1/2 years.  That he has thought of going to see her….wonder if that is why he was so adamant that I could not go to China with him? I asked him if he has communicated with her since he gave me the commitment ring…he has…yep, that is commitment for you! I told him I wondered if that was one of the reasons he got fired because IT saw numerous naked pictures on his electronic devices.


Frankly, I feel good. Glad to know that my suspicions were not unfounded. Glad to know that these past two years have really been about him and not me. Glad to find out that he is a sex addict according to him. Yes, I am glad to know all of it. Glad to know he gave me the commitment ring on Christmas and talked to her after. Glad to know that when he sent the text from Boy Scout Camp that he wasn’t sure he had the passion or love to sustain our relationship, that he had just received naked pictures from her. I am glad to know all of this because now I know that I need to believe and trust in myself and I know without a doubt that he had one foot out of the door and was not giving me his all. And now I know what I need to do.

P.S. And to all of you who have told me so…I am sorry I didn’t believe you or kinda didn’t believe you. I was a fool.




9 thoughts on “Betrayed OR Liar Lair Pants On Fire

  1. Wow. Although we might have told you we would never say I told you so. No one wanted to be right 🙁

    I am so sorry but agree that there is power to be found in knowing the truth. You are mighty. You don’t have to keep going over and over things mentally to find weaknesses in yourself. It was his middle-age crazy. All his. And can I say it? Cheating with one other person, either emotionally or physically, does not make him a sex addict, it just makes him a dick.

    (Hugs) (Hugs) (Hugs)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The China trip was a sure give away, but felt you weren’t ready to hear that. By the way, the sex addict claim is bullshit. He’s just an old man easily taken in by a young woman who has no problem being “grabbed by her pussy”. Love this outfit that you bought her, but had you sent a little more money she could have gotten enough material to cover her nipple. Gotta say though, buying her the string hanging out of her ass was money well spent.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. And the hits keep on coming…😣
    This does help explain what seemed so inexplicable. As I’ve been in the position of finding surprise explicit photos, I am truly sorry you have THAT in your head now, along with everything else.😕. This too will pass. Keep moving in the direction you’ve been going, keep taking good care of yourself. He’s going to have to make some changes before he’ll be a good partner to anyone, and you can’t do that for him. Looks like he has some time on his hands now to work on it.



  4. I’m without words. He’s really lucky I don’t know where you live. The fucking gaslighting. The work you have done. Ugh. As soon as I opened this and read sacked & phone… I had to put my phone away so I wouldn’t read it until I was ready for triggers. I’m so so so so so so so sorry, none of us are saying told you so, or are happy we were right. I wanted to believe he was just kindof an idiot. Like really badly. Now I want to junk punch him.


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